Saturday, April 23, 2011

Lame pony is STILL lame and I'm emo

I'm pretty emo right now - Kadey is definitely out now. He was a little stiff when I walked him in hand but I went to ride him as per the farrier's suggestion. But as soon as he was led under saddle he started to rear and grunt. He calmed down so I got on but as soon as I did he bunched up and started to kick out. He was so jumpy, he ran off a little when i got off.

I'm putting it all down to him being sore; that he's just princessy about having a sore hoof and doesn't want to walk under saddle as it hurts, which is fair enough.

It also sucked because he was windsucking a bit and so rather than building a bond with him I had to keep repremanding him, pretty much undoing all of the bonding we've done over the last week.

So I'm pretty disappointed at the moment and worried about the following:

What if...
1. He is lame and will always be lame OR highly prone to being lame. Ergo, expensive lawn ornament.
2. This is going to cost $$$$ in farriers, vets, equissage and who knows what else to sort out.
3. What if he's always going to rear and buck when I try to work him?

I'm trying to view things in a businesslike manner - ie at worst if he's lame for life I sell him/give him away and save up for the next horse. Not ideal but just means I need to save dollars. Doesn't mean my riding career is doomed, just delayed.

I also don't want to be scared to ride my horse.

This is all just. not. optimal. :(

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