The good news:
Kadey has calmed down and is turning into a marshmallow - easy to handle and enjoys hiding his head in the crook of my arm. Awwwww!
The bad news:
He's lame. The limping I noticed when I free lunged him this week is because his off side for hoof wall is separating. I had my trainer out there and she had a look and recommended a really knowledgable guy who specialises in barefoot tirmming, who I've booked for Wednesday morning after the Easter holiday. Dammit, was hoping he'd come out while I'm on holiday!! Will have to beg the boss to let me start late that day :(
The guy said the best thing is lots of movement and as he's able to walk freely I'm going to start taking him for trail rides this week just to get some saddle time and to stop both Kadey and I going ca-ray-zee. I'm hoping by trail riding it'll keep us out of the boggy arena and into some hopefully harder ground that'll firm his hoof up.
My trainer advised that the trimmer may make some suggestions that'd be great in an ideal world but in reality would be hard, particularly given how strict my agistment place is. For example putting down rocks so they have something hard to stand on.
Apparently due to all the floods plus the acidic soil in the area where Kadey is agisted has led to a number of horses having fungal issues lately. I just want him to be ok and for this to not turn into a million dollar experience. Eeek!! His comfort and safety comes first, I just need some time to save up so I have a buffer again to cover me for any emergency expenses like this.
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