I realised last night that since I've such a long lead up to picking up my new pony, I've been putting off a number of tasks for various reasons, such as 'don't bother buying extra tack til you know your new horse's colour/size'. One other thing was a training schedule for the first week back. But... well.. I'm picking him up on Saturday morning. And it's thursday afternoon. And I'm working for the next 2 days and have things planned for both nights.... oops.
So I spent my lunch break today frantically googling training schedules. I had spoken to a few pony people about it recently but hadn't taken it much further. I found a great resource today by Michael Hillman and plan to use it when drawing up my plan for the next wek. But it also includes a number of other useful tips to consider for the long term, such as:
- spend time building goodwill with your horse - for example spend a lot of time grooming. Who doesn't love a good massage?!
- Have a plan but be ready tp adjust it for conditions, your headspace or your horse's mood
- Using hacking out as a good time to practice dressage movements as generally horses love hacking out and so are moving forward and relaxed.
- Remembering to take a step back and change things up if it's not working. Hillman points out the old axiom: 'Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting something different. If its not working, change something'. This is something I need to remember as too often I get bogged down in trying to do something rather than taking a breath and trying a new approach.
Hillman's article is available from - I'll be keeping an eye out for more from this writer/rider!
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