Sunday, August 21, 2011

Organising the tackroom + lesson progress :D

Yesterday I put some time into reorganising and tidying up the tackroom, which felt great. While I still need to put up my saddle rack and purchase and place bridle racks, I have things tidily in place for the moment.

The feed store will be delivering 2 drums for the lucerne and oaten chaff tomorrow - the pelleted mix is already in a clean steel trash can. I'm excited as it's one step closer to being finished :)

I've had a few lessons now - each is better and better.

In the first we worked on my leg position which fortunately has mostly stayed where it should since then. She also gave me some stretches to do to relax my wonky hip.

After that we worked on bend and getting him to stop leaning on the bit and dropping into the circle. It's been great, I feel much more confident with him and we're able to work through things that would have sent either of us off in the past (birds whooping past, a car zooming down the gravely driveway past the arena etc) and have given me a better understanding os his acting out (he does a weird 'lollopy' jump/pigroot/buck movement when he's had enough in the arena. I don't feel overhorsed! I do need to work on our bravery outside the arena but given our progress in it I feel we're in a better position to move forward :D

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