Sunday, July 3, 2011

Hoof issues: Wet periople/white heel bulbs = scaley hoof regrowth

I called my farrier in a panic following observing the following on Kadey's hoof regrowth:

Can't quite see? Here's a close up of his creepy, scaley growth. Eeew.

It looks about the length that I've had him, which suggests a few things:

1. It's related to the feed I've moved him too from what he was on with the previous owner
2. It's related to the wet weather
3. It's related to the agistment place where he lives now.

The farrier said it was most likely number 2 and went on to describe the frog's relationship with the perioplium/periople. Which reminded me of the following pictures I took during the wet weeks we had when I first got Kadey:

The bulbs and periople were white, soggy and outright WEIRD. I think this is related and will take a print out when the farrier comes this weekend.


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. Hey what was the outcome of this? My girls showing the same symptoms
